Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan

Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan with charge office, station officer's office, two offices for other officers, male cell, female cell, juvenile cell, armory and washrooms.

Project Summary


Social housing


Sekyere Himan


Contruction of 1NO. Police Station

Contracting Entity

Wassa East District Assembly

Publication Date: Thu Oct 31 2019
Estimated Value: GH¢ 271,440.81 US$ 17,228.53

Project Identification

Project Reference Number:
Project Name:
Contruction Of 1no. Police Station At Sekyere Himan
Social Housing
Sub sector:
Project Location:
Sekyere Himan
The project will provide security to the people living in the catchment area of the project
Project Description:
Contruction of 1NO. Police Station

Project Preparation

Project Scope:

Contruction Of 1no. Police Station At Sekyere Himan With Charge Office, Station Officer'S Office, Two Offices For Other Officers, Male Cell, Female Cell, Juvenile Cell, Armory And Washrooms.

Environmental Impact:

The Project Will Not Cause Any Environmental Degradation

Land and Settlement Impact:

The Project Will Provide Security To The People Living In The Catchment Area Of The Project

Expected Life of Asset:

20 years

Contact Details:

Funding Source:

District Assemblies Common Fund

Project Budget:
GH¢ 271,440.81
Project Budget Approval Date:
Thu Oct 31 2019

Tender Management


Procuring Entity:

Wassa East District Assembly

Procuring Entity Contact Details:

Daboase -Atieku Road

Procurement Process:

Competitive (National Competitive Tendering)

Procurement Method:


# Bidder(s) Country
No data found
No data found


Number of Firms Tendering:


Cost Estimate:

GH¢ 271,440.81


Contract Administrative Entity:

Wassa East District Assembly

Contract Type:


Contract Title:

Contruction Of 1no. Police Station At Sekyere Himan

Contract Firm(s):
# Name of Firm Description
No data found
No data found
Contract Price:

GH¢ 271,440.81

Contract Scope of Work:

Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan with charge office, station officer's office, two offices for other officers, male cell, female cell, juvenile cell, armory and washrooms.

Contract Start Date:

Thu Nov 14 2019

Contract Duration:

From: Thu Nov 14 2019
To: Tue Apr 14 2020
In Days: 152

# Consultant Description of Role
No data found
No data found
Contract Status:
# Contract Status Reason Date
1 Open Recently commenced Mon Oct 07 2024 11:33:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
#1 Open
Contract Status
Recently commenced
Mon Oct 07 2024 11:33:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contract Implementation

Variation to Contract Price:

Escalation of Contract Price:

Variation to Contract Scope:

Reasons for Price Changes:

Reasons for Scope Changes:

Reasons for Duration Changes:

Project Completion

Project Status:
# Project Status Reason Date
No data found
No data found
Completion Cost:

GH¢ 271,440.81

Completion Date:

Scope at Completion:

Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan with charge office, station officer's office, two offices for other officers, male cell, female cell, juvenile cell, armory and washrooms. But at finishing stage.

Reasons for Project Changes:
# Reason Recorded Date
No data found
No data found
Reference to Audit and Evaluation Reports:
# Reference to Evaluation Report Recorded Date
No data found
No data found


There are no milestones

Project Images

Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan

Image 1

Contruction of 1NO. Police Station at Sekyere Himan

Image 2