Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with Ancillary Facility at Agona Nkwanta Roman Catholic School

substructure block work concrete works carpentry and joinery Roof covering Iron mongery Finishing Metal works Electrical Work Painting and Decorating Eternal Works to Summary

Project Summary




Agona Fie


Construction Of 1-No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with Ancillary Facility, Construction Of 1 No. 4- Seater WC Toilet and Construction of Mechanized Borehole and Concrete Stand

Contracting Entity

Ahanta West Municipal Assembly

Publication Date: Mon Oct 24 2022
Estimated Value: GH¢ 417,226.96 US$ 417,226.96

Project Identification

Project Reference Number:
Project Name:
Construction Of 1no. 3-Unit Classroom Block With Ancillary Facility At Agona Nkwanta Roman Catholic School
Sub sector:
Project Location:
Agona Fie
Improve access to quality education
Project Description:
Construction Of 1-No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with Ancillary Facility, Construction Of 1 No. 4- Seater WC Toilet and Construction of Mechanized Borehole and Concrete Stand

Project Preparation

Project Scope:

Substructure Block Work Concrete Works Carpentry And Joinery Roof Covering Iron Mongery Finishing Metal Works Electrical Work Painting And Decorating Eternal Works To Summary

Environmental Impact:

Check Erosion

Land and Settlement Impact:

Improve Development And Access To Education

Expected Life of Asset:

50 years

Contact Details:

Frank Gyapong 0244817114

Funding Source:

Dacf - Responsiveness Factor Grant

Project Budget:
GH¢ 417,226.96
Project Budget Approval Date:
Mon Oct 24 2022

Tender Management


Procuring Entity:

Ahanta West Municipal Assembly

Procuring Entity Contact Details:

BOX 22

Procurement Process:

Competitive (National Competitive Tendering)

Procurement Method:


# Bidder(s) Country
No data found
No data found


Number of Firms Tendering:


Cost Estimate:

GH¢ 417,226.96


Contract Administrative Entity:

Ahanta West Municipal Assembly

Contract Type:


Contract Title:

Construction Of 1-No. 3-Unit Classroom Block With Ancillary Facility, Construction Of 1 No. 4- Seater Wc Toilet And Construction Of Mechanized Borehole And Concrete Stand

Contract Firm(s):
# Name of Firm Description
No data found
No data found
Contract Price:

GH¢ 417,226.96

Contract Scope of Work:

substructure block work concrete works carpentry and joinery Roof covering Iron mongery Finishing Metal works Electrical Work Painting and Decorating Eternal Works to Summary

Contract Start Date:

Mon Oct 24 2022

Contract Duration:

From: Mon Oct 24 2022
To: Mon Feb 27 2023
In Days: 126

# Consultant Description of Role
No data found
No data found
Contract Status:
# Contract Status Reason Date
1 Open Recently commenced Thu May 02 2024 12:17:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
#1 Open
Contract Status
Recently commenced
Thu May 02 2024 12:17:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Contract Implementation

Variation to Contract Price:

Escalation of Contract Price:

Variation to Contract Scope:

Reasons for Price Changes:

Reasons for Scope Changes:

Reasons for Duration Changes:

Project Completion

Project Status:
# Project Status Reason Date
No data found
No data found
Completion Cost:

GH¢ 417,226.96

Completion Date:

Scope at Completion:

substructure block work concrete works carpentry and joinery Roof covering Iron mongery Finishing Metal works Electrical Work Painting and Decorating Eternal Works to Summary

Reasons for Project Changes:
# Reason Recorded Date
No data found
No data found
Reference to Audit and Evaluation Reports:
# Reference to Evaluation Report Recorded Date
No data found
No data found



Mon Feb 27 2023


Construction Of 1-No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with Ancillary Facility, Construction Of 1 No. 4- Seater WC Toilet and Construction of Mechanized Borehole and Concrete Stand

Project Images

Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with Ancillary Facility at Agona Nkwanta Roman Catholic School

Image 1